Quality & Safety

Our Commitment to Quality

Healthcare is changing rapidly, and at Memorial Healthcare, we are prepared to lead that change.

Memorial Healthcare is prepared to lead the change, with quality, safety, and service being the cornerstone of our mission. We seek to provide high-quality, high-value, patient-centered care supported by compassionate caregivers. Our staff is provided with tools, technologies, and resources to deliver the best care possible to all patients.  We are committed to always doing what is right for our patients, caregivers, and communities we serve.

Memorial Healthcare continues to excel in matters related to patient experience and quality of care according to new data released by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publicly reported hospital quality performance information on their Care Compare website.

CMS regularly measures and rates the performance of more than 4,000 Medicare-certified hospitals across the country in categories ranging from safety of care, readmissions, complications, mortalities, and timely and effective care to doctor and nurse communication and cleanliness.  Memorial Healthcare exceeds the national standards in communication with nurses, responsiveness of staff, communication about medications, cleanliness, discharge information, care transitions, and overall rating.

For a more complete listing of accreditations, awards, and honors, click here.

You may view our scores on the CMS Care Compare website at https://www.medicare.gov/care-compare/ 

The Joint Commission Accreditation 

  • Memorial Healthcare
  • Memorial Healthcare Home Health and Hospice
  • Acute Stroke Ready Hospital Certification

To visit The Joint Commission Quality Ratings website visit QualityCheck at https://www.qualitycheck.org/

Blue Cross Blue Shield

100% of Memorial Medical Associates provider officers are designated as Patient-Centered Medical Homes for outstanding quality care delivery.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Collaborative Quality Initiatives

Michigan Anticoagulation Quality Improvement Initiative (MAQI2)

The MAQI2 is a multi-center collaboration of anticoagulation clinics across the state of Michigan. It seeks to improve the safety, quality of care and outcomes of patients requiring anticoagulation.

Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative (MARCQI)

MARCQI is a group, supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network, that includes orthopedic surgeons and medical professionals that are dedicated to improving the quality of care for patients undergoing hip and knee replacement procedures in Michigan. The focus of MARCQI is to improve quality, patient safety, reduce complications, and reduce the cost of this care in the state of Michigan.

Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium (HMS)

The HMS Collaborative Quality Initiative comprises hospitals across the state of Michigan. Its goal is to enhance clinical quality and patient safety for hospitalized patients through rigorous data analysis and facilitation of best practice centered on central venous catheter utilization and antimicrobial use.

Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium (HMS) Sepsis Initiative

The HMS Sepsis initiative assesses the care of patients diagnosed with Sepsis with the ultimate goal of improving care for patients with Sepsis. The Sepsis initiative focuses on the care of patients during the entire continuum of care including on admission/early diagnosis, inpatient hospitalization, discharge, and 90 days post-hospitalization.

Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC)

MSQC is a sponsorship of Blue Cross Blue Shield, focused on real-world improvement in surgical outcomes. Healthcare organizations share their data and ideas and MSQC analyzes the issues, identifies best practices, and disseminates the information. Members of MSQC collaborate and utilize the resources and toolkits provided.

Obstetrics Initiative (OBI)

Memorial Healthcare has joined over 70 other Michigan hospitals in The Obstetrics Initiative (OBI). This women’s health Collaborative Quality Initiative (CQI) is funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network which supports vaginal delivery and safely reduces the use of cesarean delivery among low risk births in Michigan. OBI’s aim is to identify and address variation in obstetric care in the state of Michigan through collaboration, rapid cycle data reporting, and quality improvement initiatives.

Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA)

Memorial Healthcare voluntarily participates in MHA programs to improve the safety and quality of healthcare. Doctors, nurses, and hospital leaders are working to identify and share best practices around the state, nation, and world to make sure patients receive the best care possible. MHA has partnered with 7 other organizations including Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan Health and Hospital Associations, forming the Superior Health Quality Alliance.

The mission of the Superior Health Quality Alliance is to improve the quality of health and health care through innovation, effectiveness and efficiency in designing and implementing initiatives that are person-centered and integrated across the continuum of care and services.

The Superior Health Quality Alliance is committed to improving hospital:

  • Care Coordination
  • Chronic Disease management
  • Health Equity
  • Infection and Prevention Control
  • Medication Safety
  • Person and Family Engagement

Concerns About Patient Care and Safety

If you have any questions about the quality or safety of care at Memorial Healthcare, please contact our Patient Advocate at 989-729-4960.

Public Notice

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations will conduct unannounced surveys of Memorial Healthcare. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate the organization’s compliance with nationally established Commission standards. The survey results are used to determine whether, and the conditions under which, accreditation should be awarded the organization.

Joint Commission standards deal with organization quality, the safety of care issues and the safety of the environment in which care is provided. Anyone believing that their concerns about patient care and safety in the hospital have not been addressed by the hospital may contact Joint Commission in one of the following ways:

  • Online: www.jointcommission.org:  “Submit a new patient safety event or concern”
  • Fax:  630-792-5636
  • Mail:
    Office of Quality and Patient Safety
    The Joint Commission
    One Renaissance Boulevard
    Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181