Join over 1,500 other grateful patients, families, physicians and others who believe that life is precious, express their support through contributions to the Memorial Healthcare Foundation. Your gifts are fully tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Gifts may be in the form of cash, checks, stocks, bonds, real property, life insurance and other assets.
Give a Gift – Choose an Option Below:
- I wish to make a Gift to the Memorial Healthcare Foundation.
- I wish to enroll in the Automatic Donation Program.
For gifts of securities, it may help you to know that the Foundation’s tax number is: 38-3036586. And, because the way you choose to make a gift may have significant tax benefits, we encourage you to discuss your gift with your financial advisors. Gifts to the Foundation may be unrestricted, or they may be designated for a particular purpose. Unrestricted gifts are allocated by the Foundation Board of Directors to meet the most pressing needs. You may also choose to direct your gift to an area that is personally meaningful. And, of course, you will receive a written acknowledgement of your gift and a receipt for your tax records.
Gifts of Money
Cash is the easiest way to make a donation to the Foundation. Gifts may be given “unrestricted” (to be used where the need is the greatest), or as “restricted” (to be used specifically as the donor requests). If you itemize, the law encourages gifts of money by allowing you to deduct cash gifts on your federal income tax return (up to 50% of your adjusted gross income for gifts to hospitals, schools, churches and other publicly supported charities). If part of the gift exceeds the 50% ceiling, the excess is deductible over the (5) following years until exhausted, up to 50% of adjusted gross income in each carry-over year.
Commemorative Gifts
A Commemorative Gift is a contribution made out of love and concern – a tribute to friends and loved ones who are living or who have passed on. Donations may be restricted to a specific area of the hospital or unrestricted to be used where the need is greatest. Upon receipt of a charitable contribution, the Foundation promptly acknowledges each gift and a verification is sent for the donor’s tax records. An appropriate notice is also sent to the family of the person who has been memorialized or honored, informing them that a gift has been received. The amount of the gift is kept confidential.
Appreciated Securities
A gift of long-term appreciated securities has two major advantages: it provides the donor with an income tax deduction and eliminates any capital gains taxes to the extent allowable by tax law.
Real Estate
A residence, forest land or other real property may be given to the Memorial Healthcare Foundation as an outright gift, or an individual may prefer to donate his or her home or farm to the Foundation and retain the right to occupy the property for life. A gift of a remainder interest in a personal residence or farm provides the donor with a current income tax deduction for the present value of the remainder interest and also permits the donor to eliminate any capital gains taxes on the appreciation.
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
A Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust provides a guaranteed fixed income based upon a percentage of the fair market value of the trust when the trust was established. Payments to donors and beneficiaries of Charitable Remainder Trusts shall be made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, according to the terms of the individual agreement.
Life Insurance Endowment Program
The gift of a life insurance policy to the Memorial Healthcare Foundation provides the donor with a charitable contribution for the present cash surrender value, contributions made for premiums paid after the transfer are also tax deductible.