Memorial Healthcare is proud to offer complete Labor & Delivery care for patients in Owosso, Michigan, and the surrounding area. As a patient-centered medical home, the specialists at Memorial Healthcare OB/GYN partner with primary care physicians to provide continuous, coordinated care for patients of all ages. Memorial Healthcare is located in Owosso and serves patients throughout the state of Michigan.
Our Family Birth Place
At Memorial’s Family Birth Place, our Labor, Delivery, and Recovery (LDR) units blend state-of-the-art technology and the warmth of a home-like atmosphere to provide a comfortable, safe environment for one of the most exhilarating experiences in a family’s life. With nearly 600 babies born yearly, the Family Birth Place encourages mothers along the way, invites dads or support persons to share the experience, and promotes education. A wide variety of prenatal classes are provided by a talented team of labor and delivery nurses.
National Recognition
Memorial Healthcare has been recognized as one of the nation’s leading hospitals for maternity care by US News & World Report. The hospital ranked in the top 20% of Michigan hospitals to receive a “high performing” score, which is the highest possible rating.
Prenatal Classes
Please click here for a listing of our 2024 prenatal education classes, including tours! Classes are currently FREE, thanks to a Michigan Health Endowment Grant!
Directions to the Family Birth Place
Please enter through our Main Entrance at 826 W. King Street in Owosso. Once inside, you will be greeted by a Public Safety Associate who will direct you to Elevator C. The Family Birth Place is on the third floor of the hospital. When you arrive, please press the doorbell, and you will be allowed access to our secure Family Birth Place.